Hidden Valley | 2024

Ages 18+
Get Tickets
Payment plan available from NZ$19.11
Early Bird
Sold Out
First Release
NZ$ 129.90 (excl. fees)
NZ$ 180 (excl. fees)

Book Now. Pay Later.
Always interest-free.

Buying your ticket has never been easier! You can choose to pay for your tickets up front or you can pay them off in 10 easy instalments! All details on these options are available at checkout. 

Hidden Valley Festival returns to the beautiful Matakana Country Park on December 27th, 2023. This is one of NZ's biggest one day festivals so make sure you don't miss out.

LINE UP: To be announced 

Hidden Valley Festival | 2024
Friday 27th December
Matakana Country Park, Matakana


  1. Poppy S
  2. Bronwyn J
  3. Sam H
  4. Jonathan M
  5. Charlie F
  6. Sam H
  7. Ashleigh S
  8. Ciara O
  9. Samantha W
  10. Hannah C
  11. Michael R
  12. Sam M
  13. Felicity H
  14. Antonia V
  15. Maz P
  16. Bonnie L
  17. Kaitlin L
  18. Eilish T