ABunDance of Love Valentine's Day
- Jonathan L
- Karina P
- Paola B
- Alex M
- Chris B
- Paul Z
- Paul P
- Trevor P
- Ezmill H
- Lisa M
- Karina J
- Dustin K
- Charles B
- Ricky H
- Liz B
- Danielle D
- Sharon F
Dance Under the Stars To Amazing Music and Connect with Extraordinary People! Experience an ABunDance of Love with a Bohemian Bazaar Full of Live Visionary Painters, A Circus of Performers, Healers, Vendors, and More!
Grateful Generation and The Mayor of Love, Paul E. Amori of AmorisCasino.com Invite you to an ABunDance of Love!
MC and Special Host Paul E. Amori
9pm-10 Ecstatic Dance w Pachakroma
10-10:30 Cacao Ceremony w Hoeah n Pachakroma (Aphrodisiac Cacao by Naomi Lindsay)
10:30-12am Anton Tumas of Subtract Music
12-1:30 Terrakroma
1:30-3 Patricio of THE FAVELA BAR
Theme is Black, White, Red, and Pink
Dress up and Express your inner Heartist as We Celebrate Life and Each Other!
Experience an ABunDance of Love This Valentine's Day as We Discover our Inner Heartists' and Make All of Life a Work of Heart!
(And you can still share with your friends after you get your ticket and get all of your ticket money back. See details below )
Where Art, Music, and People become ONE!
Experience and Share ONEderFULLness with The World this Valentines Day and Let us Transform our World into a Planet of Paradise for Us All!
Heartistry as a Path to ONEderFULLness and Overflowing Abundance is about centering ourselves in the consciousness of The Heart. Not only is The Heart the first organ in our bodies, many believe it to be the seat our our consciousness and the soul. If we look to how the heart works we may find ourselves in a constant state of peace, power, grace, and ease by following it's lead. The Heart Creates and Empowers every other part of the body. It doesn't choose some parts over others. It gives it's love freely and fully to empower all parts and itself as one interdependent whole. If it did become exclusive with any parts, some parts would die and the whole of the body would begin it's death as well.
The Heart has everything, because it holds onto No-Thing. It constantly keeps everything in flow and as a result is the center of the Empire or Empower of What we like to call ONEderFULLness! The Body is The Container and Protector of This as The Empress or Empoweress that keeps everything together and safe, so we can continue to live in The Gift of The Present, and The Mind is The Emperor or Empoweror that then directs how that Power flows and whether it flows in Integration and Alignment with The Heart Consciousness empowering itself and others, Increasing the Quality of Life, or Disintegration separating itself from others and Life Disempowering others and itself using force diminishing the Overall Quality of Life.
Come Celebrate life with us and we can practice Celebrating and Empowering Each other, Building this Community where we find our true ability to Accomplish anything and Everything! We will then find we have all Won when we Learn how to Be ALL ONEderFULLness Together!
Garden Patio in Alphabetic Order
Oracle Jesselyn
The Angela Marie
La Sirens Ceora
Mostly Minerals
Good Fortune Gems
Elixir Bar
Raja Holograms
After you purchase your ticket you will get your own code to share with friends and get up to 100% of your money back when they buy tickets. Details below...

While our first commitment is to you experiencing the most epic party and celebration of life and humanity we can, we believe that these core principals are what add to that experience. If you feel inspired to dig a little deeper into what we are about please continue.
Radical Responsibility
Many of us have heard the phrase “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”, We would like to add that “With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power”. We are recontextualizing responsibility as The Ability to Respond, “Response-Ability” (Opportunity and Power). We ALL have the ability to respond in any circumstance and create it as an opportunity or a problem. Each and Everyone of Us Have The Opportunity and Power to Love, Support, and Help Each Other Grow, when we share. Each Opportunity we choose to Appreciate Someone in The Whole increases the value of The Whole. As One we all have the Privilege of Response-Ability to Lovingly Create More Beautiful Experiences for One Another, no matter what world or realm that other may be coming from. Contrary to what many of us have been raised to believe we have our greatest opportunity for Connection, Love, and Power in our Vulnerability and Compassion.
We Recognize All as ONE and Align Ourselves with our Ultimate Expression of Individuality in Service to The Whole. In this way the ultimate selfishness and selflessness has no separation, and will be in complete and total alignment assuring ourselves a place in a New World of Paradise here and now. We invite you to align with and embrace these three principles.
Kind Thoughts (Each Person Comes from a Different Realm of Experience we connect through compassion and sharing without the disconnect of judgement)
Kind Words (We Each Have Power with Our Words and can choose the words we use to create the world that we and others get to live in)
“The Heart's Power Of Love must replace the mind's Love Of Power. If I have the Power Of Love, then I shall claim the whole World as my own … World Peace can be achieved when the Power Of Love replaces the Love Of Power.”- Sri Chinmoy (paraphrased by Jimi Hendrix to greater popularity)
The Heart is the center and first organ in our bodies, giving it’s love to every living part that expands from its’ center. It beats its’ music through every part of our being in unison. It seems appropriate that we be following its’ model by bringing people together around music to create the entire body of this planet as a harmonious, collaborative, joyous, celebration of Life as A Gift to Us ALL.
Grateful Generation is Founded on this Very Principle of ALL in ONE, ONE in ALL. ALL for ONE and ONE for ALL.

“When the mind is free, anything is possible”-Anonymous
While it has been commonly said that “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats” All too often life occurs to us as though we are the Boats and The Tide is Life as it Happens to us. Most of us do the best we can, given our experience and tools available to us, which we use to maneuver and manipulate the Seas of Fate and survive or stay afloat.
We hold self evident that most of our world, and our experience of it, is created and structured in the mind. Our intention is to Expand each others awareness around how we use our minds and our powers of creation. Many are just now awakening to realize that the world is something they have been creating Passively. Our offerings will be designed to empower and inspire Active creation that is in service to the whole of this planet as One symbiotic interdependent living organism. Our Talks and Workshops will be centered around wisdom and knowledge as practical tools to create more beautiful experiences for ourselves and each other.
Inside Out Approach
Many believe that life happens to us, when it actually happens through us. It emanates from the fountain at the very center of our being in our hearts, as LOVE. When we forget this center we create our lives from LACK, and experience lives of LACK, thinking that when we HAVE THE THINGS we want, we will DO The THINGS we want, we WILL BE HAPPY, and HAVE LOVE PRESENT IN OUR LIVES. ONE LOVE is here to remind us that we are LOVE, so we can BE LOVE, DO the THINGS that LOVE DOES, and ULTIMATELY HAVE JOY in EVERYTHING WE EXPERIENCE!
Attitude of Gratitude
While it can be said that things are appreciating in value when they grow, we can also say that things grow when we appreciate them. We remind people to remind themselves to be GREAT and FULL by being GRATEFUL for ALL the Blessings that abound around us from the moment we awake and receive the gift of our first breath to the moment we rest our heads.
By choosing to see ALL things as Gifts and Valuable to us, All things have value to us and we create more value wherever we go and maximize highest function, place and time for ALL.
“A Healthy Body Will Fuel and Sustain a Healthy Mind”
The Body is the foundation of your experience and therefore the foundation of our experience.
Please take care of yours, and if you see the opportunity to share wisdom or information that helps others take better care of theirs we hope you do so.
Our physical bodies and emotions are highly influenced by what we put into them and what we do with them. When you become aware of how certain foods, thoughts, and activities affect you, you are able to make choices that help you feel more empowered.
We embrace an inclusive environment built around Holistic Living in terms of Organic Foods, Nutritional K(Now)ledge, Exercise, Flexibility, and Sustainability.
- Jonathan L
- Karina P
- Paola B
- Alex M
- Chris B
- Paul Z
- Paul P
- Trevor P
- Ezmill H
- Lisa M
- Karina J
- Dustin K
- Charles B
- Ricky H
- Liz B
- Danielle D
- Sharon F