Capcom Cup at Esports Arena

All Ages
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Join us for day one of Capcom Cup 2016 at Esports Arena in Santa Ana, CA where 32 of the best Street Fighter V players in the world will battle it out for their spot in the top 8 finals at PlayStation Experience the following day! Bring your friends to experience the hype of the year-end event of the Capcom Pro Tour, get some casual matches with the pros or simply hang out and eat some delicious food from the on-site food trucks! See you there!  


9:30 AM - Doors Open

11:00 AM - Tournament Begins

11:00 PM - Tournament Ends

More info:
Twitter: @capcomfighters

  1. Kevin K
  2. Long N
  3. Karlo I
  4. Rose S
  5. Cyrus C
  6. Steven H
  7. Pedro M
  8. Frank D
  9. Ryan M
  10. Jose C
  11. Julia F
  12. Steven V
  13. Steven C
  14. Raymond L
  15. Jiawei H
  16. Raymond S
  17. Samantha H
  18. Michael M
  19. Reginald S
  20. Curtis N